Beautiful Soul :Top Left
I love scrapbooking photos that have meaning to me. I look back over the years and reminisce the good ole days. This first layout is of my youngest sister, Miss K.
It's true what they say about the baby sister, she is the most giving of the three of us, never was one to be selfish when we thought she always got things we didn't, she always turned around and split it three ways. I look back on things and see now how lucky we were and that I am lucky to have a baby sister like her!!
Together: I have a picture of my sister and I, but don't want to add to this as of yet, its framed and I don't want to take it out as its on display. When it is on this layout the title will make sense... but for now we deal...
This layout is about my middle sister Miss H, she was a witchy girl growing up always fighting for her place. But no matter what, the three of us were a tight sisterhood. Even with 6 years separating us, we did have our ups and downs of course. But if you saw us now, we are still as tight as we were growing up.
We will always be there and have each others back when we need each other! And that is what I hope to see pass on to my children, that even though things may be rough at times. It all comes down to those patches in life where only family can be your rock, your laughter, and peace.
I love my sisters to pieces... if you can't tell... :-)
These two layouts turned out really nice. The papers coordinate so well. Great Job!