We got back from the Dells in Wisconsin, we had a wonderful time. We highly recommend going to Noah's Ark over Mt. Olympus though, but thats just my families opinion. We went to Noah's Ark for two days then got FREE tickets to Mt Olympus from our hotel as its the end of peak season (best time to go, folks! You get awesome perks!). We were glad we didn't have to spend the extra money on Mt Olympus, but we did only do the waterparks (indoors & outside), we didn't participate in the theme park (roller coasters etc. as that wasn't part of the FREE package).
Noah's Ark Fave's: Mr. J's pick The Stingray, loves the free fall! Mr. M's favorite was the Bermuda Triangle & the Big Kahuna (we spent a lot of time there and the Kahuna we timed went off every 8 min, compared to the Wave which was a longer wait)... way cool! Hubbies favorite was the Time Warp... even though it was like being flushed, he thought that was "The Best". My favorite hands down was the Black Anaconda, it was a toss up between the stingray and this ride, but since I am a big roller coaster fan, this was my Fave!!
Mt Olympus Fave's: Mr. J's pick Poseidon's Rage, he loved just sitting and waiting for that 9 ft. wave to just crash on him. It was wild, he didn't seem to care about any of that "Wave Rash", from being rubbed on the bottom or the occasional person on you, highly recommend you stay in your own area or you are doomed to get run over...!! They didn't offer surfing on it though, just a throng of ppl waiting to get crushed in its power! Mr. M's favorite was the River of Troy it has a pretty fast current, but it was fun just to relax. My Hubbies favorite was the indoor slides!
We did the infamous Duck Tours, Upper Dells Boat Tours, shopping, eating... and just hanging out as a family should! We have three more days of enjoying each other's company... Now that we are home we plan on going to the Science Museum to see the Star Wars Exhibit!! And not sure what else... probably school shopping as that is almost a week away... Sept. 2nd is coming fast... I am looking forward to it, yet it will be so incredibly quiet!!
I love the flowers and the water - they are tranquil pics.